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this blog contains my art

what is this??


there is something following me.. its like a kerubin..
but i dont think that this is just a stuff...
i have a screenshots...

  • Song


    2010/05/29 17:42:18

    ohh i see.. wwww hehehehe thank you bass ke


    2010/05/29 16:47:48

    Thousand times? lol

    Then, did you talk to the angel in English? :p
    She only hear Japanese and speak Japanese.

    こんにちは ← copy and paste
    テンコ ← copy and paste

    If you say to her テンコ,
    She will answer わたしは 天使の テンコ。(I'm an angel, Tenko).

  • Song


    2010/05/29 16:04:08

    could it be last forever with me??
    i mean this angel will be mine now? or it will disappear after the event?

  • Song


    2010/05/29 15:38:10

    @ bass ke: uhuh.. kerubin is an angel, i just say hello to the angel but he didn't say anything..... i talked to him thousand times TT^TT

    @ ama: really?? ohh that's nice to hear hehehehe this necklace is gift from styx as a thanks!!! ^^ well styx is my friend as well...

    @ tung A: it's okay ^^ take care ^^)

  • ama


    2010/05/29 00:24:28

    Because of your necklace. It is the special event in June.

    you said "popcorn"? wwww....good job!!:D


    2010/05/28 18:29:25

    It's an angel. Her name is Tenko(テンコ).
    I don't know a kerubin. Is it like an angel?

    You can see the angel when you wear new items in コイン交換所.
    結婚式のおよばれコーデ,ダブルハートのネックレス or 約束の指輪 is the item.
    Now, you are wearing ダブルハートのネックレス.

    If you say ''こんにちは'' to the angel, she will reply.
    Additionally, say ''テンコ''. :D

  • 桐一


    2010/05/28 16:45:54

    Your angel can see your own.
    My angel can not see you X(

    Because I see your Question in town, I provided a comment. Sorry :)

  • Song


    2010/05/28 16:24:23

    i saw this cute little angel.. and you can see it in the photo