
A happy tea break


I saw one of my close friends, who'd planned the charity concert for me yesterday.
She just returned from a trip to Australia, and had lots of stories to share with me.
We forgot time and enjoyed talking until the sky darkened outside.

  • Carrie


    2013/12/19 23:24:25

    Hi Eri!
    I've just hung up the call from her who is mentioned on the blog!
    We normally don't talk on the phone, but we had a looooong conversation about the charity concert and other topics under the sun. We can't stop talking once we start talking, you know. :-)

    I also enjoy talking with you here, Eri!
    Oh, I recommend that you watch the movie "Les Miserables" in DVD; I also like watching "Phantom of the Opera" which is a musical version in London.

    Do you have any recommendations of good movies?

  • Eri


    2013/12/19 13:37:14

    You have many good friends.
    It shows that you are a good person.
    What news did your friend bring to you?

    Unfortunately, I have not seen musical or film of Res Miserables, but I read a book when I was young, so many years have passed, I don't remamber the story perfectly.
    I'll read it again or watch the DVD.