
The flea market is fun!


I enjoy the Nicotto Flea Market.
I got three entries for my posting a "frog badge".
All the entry items were kind of attractive, so it was tough to choose only one of them!
We can get something we want by exchanging our unwanted stuff from the "gacha" lottery.
Most of them try to give me five items at a time, which I usually don't have.
I like coordinating things very much, so it's nice to have variety of items.
It's really a good system; I enjoy little excitement each day!

  • Carrie


    2014/06/23 09:33:53

    Hi, Milk!
    Thanks for your nice comment. :D
    I've found accessories seem to be popular.
    To my surprise, I got a gorgeous p-coin dress by posting a "frog bag" today!
    It's fun! Try it, Milk! :D

  • ミルク


    2014/06/22 20:59:32

    Hi, Carrie!
    You're so clever to utilize the free market system.
    I also have the same problem in "gacha" lottery,
    I would like to exchange items I don't need in the near future.
    Your taste always impresses me a lot!