With best New Year’s wishes.
I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year.
I wish you a year filled with peace, good health and happiness.
Wishing you good health, happiness, and peace always.
Much peace, love and joy to you all in 2020.
Thank you for Visit my House and Nico Shop
I wish you a Happy New Year.
Have a Happy New Year!
I hope you will have a great year!
Best hopes and wishes for the New Year!
1 January 2020
I wish you a Happy New Year 1 January 2020
Let me express the greetings of the season.
I was taken care of last year, I hope the new year finds you in excellent spirit!
May the New Year turn out to be the happiest and the best for you!
2021/05/21 21:40:48
2020/12/12 20:03:42
2020/07/11 12:43:47
Information for Nico Mise Event
(*゚∀)ノ.。・:Good Morning*:・゚`☆、。・:*:・゚`★.・
Nico Shop (ニコ店) Event 2000皿達成しよう
7/16 15:00~7/29 14:59
期間限定レシピ 「夏野菜と鯛のアクアパッツァ」{仮}
Event前に 限定Maintenanceが あるんよ (7/16 14:00~15:00)
用意するもの トマト2個 茄子1個 鯛1個
Event Startしたら 色Gacha 14弾を 回して 着用してね~
1日200皿 売切れば 余裕で達成 出来るんよ
メガ料理は 対象外やから 2000皿 達成したら 出してな~
2020/05/25 06:59:54
Nico shop Information’s (ニコ店情報)
ニコ店Event 2000皿達成しよう
期間 5/28 15:00 ~ 6/10 14:59
材料 小麦2 リンゴ1を 今から用意しておこう
5/28のEventが StartしたらGachaを回そう
2020/01/02 08:40:16
With best New Year’s wishes.
I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year.
I wish you a year filled with peace, good health and happiness.
Wishing you good health, happiness, and peace always.
Much peace, love and joy to you all in 2020.
2020/01/01 22:44:24
Thank you for Visit my House and Nico Shop
I wish you a Happy New Year.
Have a Happy New Year!
I hope you will have a great year!
Best hopes and wishes for the New Year!
1 January 2020
2020/01/01 20:11:59
I wish you a Happy New Year 1 January 2020
Let me express the greetings of the season.
I was taken care of last year, I hope the new year finds you in excellent spirit!
May the New Year turn out to be the happiest and the best for you!
2019/12/08 03:50:23